OK, so I’ve been encouraged by WEGO Health to consider the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge to write 30 posts in 30 days (with 2 “get out of post free” days built in). Those of you who know me, realize how difficult this will be for me. My life is insanely busy (like many of you) but I decided to accept the challenge. Each day, we have been given a specific topic to write about. I’m going to give it my best shot!
Today’s post is about “Titles for my future book.” In some ways this is easy, because I am currently trying to get my manuscript for Tears to Joy published. This book chronicles my husband’s battle with bipolar disorder and his unfortunate suicide in hopes of assisting others to find help so that their story will have a different ending from ours.
While Tears to Joy is my working title, I’ve considered several others. I’ve thought about Weeping to Laughing or Mourning to Dancing since both are themes in my life. I’ve also considered Living the Roller Coaster Life and Looking for Level Ground.
Because I’ve recently submitted a book proposal to publishers, I will refrain from giving too many details of the book. I will say that Tears to Joy is a compassionate and practical guide to finding help and hope in the turmoil associated with bipolar disorder and with suicide. Numerous books have been written about living with mental illness from a secular perspective, but this is the first to address bipolar disorder and suicide from a biblical worldview.
Pray with me that I will find the right publisher (and that I will complete the task of 30 posts in 30 days).
This post was written as part of NHBM – 30 health posts in 30 days: http://bit.ly/vU0g9JLabels: Inspirational, Mental Health