Princess of Power

When I was a little girl, I wanted to grow up and be just like She-Ra (princess of power!). For those of you who are wondering about this wonderwoman, she was He-man’s twin sister and she was awesome! Not only was she beautiful, but she could whip any nasty villain that came her way! To catch a glimpse of She-Ra's power, click here.

As I grew up, what I looked for in a hero changed. No longer did I just want to conquer the bad guys (even though I still abhor injustice), but I wanted to fight against evil on a grander scale.

As I grew in my relationship with Christ, I learned who our enemy really is. Satan is much more deadly than Skeletor ever thought about being. The Bible describes him as a lion seeking to devour us. He came to steal, to kill, and to destroy us. I have to battle him daily as he tries to influence my thoughts, my attitudes, and my actions.

I now need a hero that knows how to put on the spiritual armor daily in order to fight the good fight. I need someone who doesn’t just throw darts at the “bad guys” but who battles the evil within. I want to be a true princess of power! Just as She-Ra had her sword, we have ours. My heroes are people who carry this sword wherever they go, whether physically or mentally – and they know how to use it!

Ok, now that you are wondering who I’m talking about, suffice it to say that I will tell you about my heroes in the next blog. For now, I am curious to hear from you. Who are your heroes and why?


Tears to Joy: Princess of Power

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Princess of Power

When I was a little girl, I wanted to grow up and be just like She-Ra (princess of power!). For those of you who are wondering about this wonderwoman, she was He-man’s twin sister and she was awesome! Not only was she beautiful, but she could whip any nasty villain that came her way! To catch a glimpse of She-Ra's power, click here.

As I grew up, what I looked for in a hero changed. No longer did I just want to conquer the bad guys (even though I still abhor injustice), but I wanted to fight against evil on a grander scale.

As I grew in my relationship with Christ, I learned who our enemy really is. Satan is much more deadly than Skeletor ever thought about being. The Bible describes him as a lion seeking to devour us. He came to steal, to kill, and to destroy us. I have to battle him daily as he tries to influence my thoughts, my attitudes, and my actions.

I now need a hero that knows how to put on the spiritual armor daily in order to fight the good fight. I need someone who doesn’t just throw darts at the “bad guys” but who battles the evil within. I want to be a true princess of power! Just as She-Ra had her sword, we have ours. My heroes are people who carry this sword wherever they go, whether physically or mentally – and they know how to use it!

Ok, now that you are wondering who I’m talking about, suffice it to say that I will tell you about my heroes in the next blog. For now, I am curious to hear from you. Who are your heroes and why?



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