Lethal Injection

It was just like any other morning. I was getting dressed for work, listening to the news when Bam! I was “teleported” back 18 years – ok, I was taken back emotionally, but not physically. I heard the name “Andrew Cook” and the words lethal injection and the tears began welling up in my eyes.

You see, as a junior in college, I was excited about returning to campus to see all my friends. My anticipation was short-lived. Once I arrived on campus, I knew that something was horribly wrong. I learned that two of my friends had been brutally murdered the night before. In that moment, all my idealism about the world flew out the window.

For months, I was consumed with anger. How could someone so ruthlessly slaughter my friends? Andrew confessed, and said that he did not know my friends. He said that it was like something snapped inside of him. Well, in the days after their murders, something snapped in me! My grades dropped; I cried A LOT! Rage seethed inside of me.

It took me years to get to a place where I could forgive this man I’ve never met. While I abhor what he did, I have forgiven him. I realized that my unforgiveness didn’t bother him one bit – he doesn’t even know me. Holding on to my bitterness was only hurting me. It was like I had drunk poison, expecting him to die.

Poison. Death. The morning news. It was announced today that this man who took the lives of my precious friends will die by lethal injection this Thursday. Eighteen years he’s had to live with himself, and now he will die for his crime. My heart stirs with mixed emotions at this news. I pray for the families of Michele and Grant who seek justice. I pray for Andrew’s family who are losing a son. The merciless killings left behind a stream of broken hearts and pain.

Unfortunately, there are times when life just doesn’t make sense. Times when the pain threatens to suffocate us. I have learned that in all things, God is a good God, in a world that is not. During times of intense pain and confusion, we have to cling to him!  
Tears to Joy: Lethal Injection

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lethal Injection

It was just like any other morning. I was getting dressed for work, listening to the news when Bam! I was “teleported” back 18 years – ok, I was taken back emotionally, but not physically. I heard the name “Andrew Cook” and the words lethal injection and the tears began welling up in my eyes.

You see, as a junior in college, I was excited about returning to campus to see all my friends. My anticipation was short-lived. Once I arrived on campus, I knew that something was horribly wrong. I learned that two of my friends had been brutally murdered the night before. In that moment, all my idealism about the world flew out the window.

For months, I was consumed with anger. How could someone so ruthlessly slaughter my friends? Andrew confessed, and said that he did not know my friends. He said that it was like something snapped inside of him. Well, in the days after their murders, something snapped in me! My grades dropped; I cried A LOT! Rage seethed inside of me.

It took me years to get to a place where I could forgive this man I’ve never met. While I abhor what he did, I have forgiven him. I realized that my unforgiveness didn’t bother him one bit – he doesn’t even know me. Holding on to my bitterness was only hurting me. It was like I had drunk poison, expecting him to die.

Poison. Death. The morning news. It was announced today that this man who took the lives of my precious friends will die by lethal injection this Thursday. Eighteen years he’s had to live with himself, and now he will die for his crime. My heart stirs with mixed emotions at this news. I pray for the families of Michele and Grant who seek justice. I pray for Andrew’s family who are losing a son. The merciless killings left behind a stream of broken hearts and pain.

Unfortunately, there are times when life just doesn’t make sense. Times when the pain threatens to suffocate us. I have learned that in all things, God is a good God, in a world that is not. During times of intense pain and confusion, we have to cling to him!  


At February 19, 2013 at 8:21 AM , Blogger Kristi said...

I had already graduated when I heard the news...but I still feel sad when I think of them. I share your mixed emotions about what is scheduled for this Thursday. My heart aches for all the losses. I can't even imagine how our Father feels with all of the brokenness. But I am whole because there is Hope, even in the shards. He is able to restore and redeem and I know this because of His mighty love in my life. May all the families touch by sorrow feel His arms, know His comfort, and anticipate His coming again.

At February 21, 2013 at 9:38 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Nathalie, though I didn't know your deceased friends, I am greatly moved reading about them. Thank you for sharing how you personally experienced the incidence; it is helping me deal with my own loss.
Blessings on this good work you are doing. keep it up!

Fellow PhD Student, Arllen


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